Small World

I got to hang out with Ryan in person over "Lunch" (Bacon Pancakes for the win!) and beers at Swagger. Although we'd never met before, I know him through the social sphere of my fellow bike commuter, blogger and information security guy Jason. Ryan moved to Florida a while ago, but he was in town for a wedding this weekend, hence the meet-up. It's cool getting to know new people who share many interests. I thought Jason was actually going to show up to Swagger as well, but he didn't. *sideways glance in Jason's direction*

Upon meeting up, though, we were also joined by another acquaintance of mine, David, a web developer who I know through various technology groups in town, who used to work with Ryan. Indeed, a really small world. Or an unfathomably gargantuan Internet. Perhaps the latter.

Since I was in the Waldo area, I took a stop by Family Bicycles on my way home. I couldn't resist the temptation to test-ride a new Dahon Espresso. The Goat is in shambles right now and it's easy to think of replacing it with something more practical and easier to store. Also, there's a little part of me that's really lusting after a 26" folder.

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