
So there are other commuters using my new route!

If you haven't yet seen this, it's worth watching. That's kind of how it went this morning.

Me: Fat guy. Cargo shorts and t-shirt. Entry-level road bike with fenders, lights and a rack. 30 pounds of God-knows-what in my panniers. I'm gradually bringing my usual desk stuff in to the office. 12 Miles per hour. Enjoying the ride and the mid-50s temperatures, looking forward to pulling into the parking lot without a drop of sweat and a heart-rate under 110.

Him: Typical crit racer build. Epic team kit complete with branded arm-warmers and windbreaker (as if it was below freezing). S-Works Carbon Tarmac. Too much stuff crammed into his well-used messenger bag, which is trying to fall off his back and under his right arm. Faster than me by a good clip. I see him coming from half a mile away.

Me: Wave, say "morning."

Him:  . . . [continues hammering away]

Is this related to the old rule? "If you can have a conversation, you're not riding hard enough."

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