Posting will still be light for a bit...

We had to kind of pick and choose what would get paid for while I was out of work. Obviously, rent came first. Without breaking out into some sappy sob story, I'll put it frankly: Flickr Pro is expiring in a few days, so many of the photos won't load. Not that I am really able to upload much of anything from home anyway. Our Cable TV and Internet was cut on Friday. That means I have to tether via my mobile phone for Internet access at home. It's slow and disconnects often. Basically, it's more trouble than it's worth.

I figure things will probably return to normal in mid-to-late June.

Look for another S24O announcement soon, a-la One Ton Paceline. I've got the camping itch BAD, but we really dodged a bullet doing the trip in August. I'm thinking June might be better.

Also: I just realized I bought The Twelve 3 years (plus a few days) ago. It has logged more than 10,000 miles, believe it or not. In fact, I have had the same front tire on that bike since late 2007 when I got sick of the OEM tires and switched to Bontrager Hard-Case. The front tire has about 8,500 miles on it, without a single flat.

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